01536 330642

Email the Bursar

Woodford Road, Great Addington,
Northants, NN14 4BS

The PSA at Great Addington school is made up of parents who volunteer their time to raise money for the school and its children.  Every penny of profit raised goes straight back to be used in the current year.

Your support for these events ensures that the school gets funds to provide additional activities, equipment and improvements to the school building and grounds. 

So please support our events...your children will see the results!

New members are welcome at any time inthe school year.  But if you can't make it to our meetings, we're always happy to have extra help on a one-off basis too!

Our PSA is made up of Office Holders,and lots of much-needed general members.


Treasurer: Mrs Rebecca Hughes

Secretary: Mrs Sophie Beckett

PSA Documents

Below are PSA minutes and reports.